Thursday, March 13, 2014

Living Plastic Free?

Glass Jars - I like to spray paint the tops to give them a unified look.

In my interwebs perusals I came across this TEDx talk by Beth Terry who has committed to living plastic free. That seems like a worthy but insurmountable task - plastics free. I am committed to greatly reducing my single use plastics consumption. In her talk she gives 8 reasons why personal change (to live plastics free) matters. She inspired me to reflect on the most significant and relatively easy changes I have already made towards eliminating my consumption of single use plastic:

  1. Carry my own cloth to use as a drying cloth and napkin
  2. Save glass jars and use them to store food, leftovers and lunchbox food
  3. Keep several travel mugs and reusable cold drink cups in my car so I can easily use them and have enough for a travel companion 
  4. Have more grocery totes than I really need in my car so that if I always have some there if I (inevitably) forget to return them immediately to the trunk. 
Please take a look at Beth's short and entertaining talk - linked above - she makes some really great points. 

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