Sunday, December 14, 2014


Kombucha is fermented sweet tea. Because I like fizzy drinks I decided to start making my own. The fact that Kombucha is actually a carbonated drink that's GOOD for you is a great added bonus! It's really easy - find out how here and here. Over the past few years I had kept nice liquor bottles once emptied. I also use them to store iced coffee and iced tea in the fridge, or to make up some soda from the soda-stream if I'm having people over. I know it takes a little extra time and effort to make my own instead of purchasing soda, Kombucha, etc. but it just makes me happy knowing that I'm not adding more containers to a landfill or recycling container. My favorite recipe is with green tea, or with yerba mate - both make a mild and delicious Kombucha in 5-7 days. There's still time to make Kombucha as Christmas gifts!!! 

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