Thursday, February 13, 2014

No Tissue Cold Season

I'm facing this cold and allergy season without tissues! This means I'm using the wonderful collection of hankies I inherited from my beloved Grandma Rose. I don't remember seeing her carry a hanky, but do remember my dad always had one on hand. I have one in my bag, one by my bed, and have enough that I can change out every day as needed. I've seen so many of these at thrift stores and garage sales. A quick online search captured a deal on eBay for a lot of 10 for $3.60! So from here on out - no more tissues, bring on the hankies.

If you do decide to use paper tissues - know that Greenpeace mounted a campaign to pressure Kleenex brand, Kimberly-Clark, to change to sustainable practices in procuring paper fiber. Before their 2004 campaign was closed, Kimberly-Clark was cutting old growth forest for our tissues. The greanpeace "Kleercut" campaign shamed them into changing their practices. So, if you have to use disposable, do it with Kleenex brand. See the Greenpeace success story here

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